Acme Township Treasurer
Amy Jenema, Treasurer
[email protected] |
Sarah Lawrence, Deputy Treasurer
[email protected] |
Phone 231.938.1350
Fax 231.938.6213
SUMMER TAXES – Allocated for the Calendar Year of which issued; (i.e. July 1st): Payable to ACME TOWNSHIP, July 1st through September 14th without penalty or interest. September 15th through September 30th, an interest charge of 1% will be added. An additional 1% will be added to the unpaid balance on the first (1st) day of each following month: October, November, December, January, and through February 14th. A 3% late penalty will be added February 15th through 29th. As of March 1st, taxes become delinquent (see below).
DEFERMENT OF SUMMER TAXES: The law provides that beginning the day following the due date, a 1% interest will be added. However, these taxes may be deferred without penalty or interest until February 15th, for the principal residence of any taxpayer who is a Senior Citizen 62 years or older; or Totally and Permanently Disabled; Paraplegic, Hemiplegic, or Quadriplegic; Eligible Service person, Eligible Veteran, Eligible Widow or Widower, Blind Person, or any Taxpayer otherwise eligible whose household income does not exceed $40,000 per year or Agricultural Real Property. Applications for Deferment are available at the Township Treasurer’s Office and must be returned to the office by September 14th.
WINTER TAXES – Allocated for the Calendar Year in which issued (i.e. December 1st): Payable to ACME TOWNSHIP, December 1st through February 14th without penalty or interest; a 3% late penalty will be added February 15th through February 29th. As of March 1st, taxes become delinquent (see below).
DELINQUENT SUMMER & WINTER TAXES: Property Taxes become delinquent MARCH 1st of the following calendar year in which the taxes were issued (Summer: July 1st, Winter: December 1st, Delinquent: March 1st). Delinquent taxes are turned over to Grand Traverse County for collection.
ESCROW ACCOUNTS: If a Tax Information Request was received from an escrow agent, this Tax Notice will have an ESCROW CODE number near the left, top corner of the payment coupon portion of the bill. Bold letters will indicate a copy has been sent to your mortgage provider. If this Tax Notice does not have a mortgage code, tax information was NOT sent to an escrow agent. Therefore, you may wish to enclose a copy of this Tax Notice with your next mortgage payment, if you have an escrow.
Fax 231.938.6213
SUMMER TAXES – Allocated for the Calendar Year of which issued; (i.e. July 1st): Payable to ACME TOWNSHIP, July 1st through September 14th without penalty or interest. September 15th through September 30th, an interest charge of 1% will be added. An additional 1% will be added to the unpaid balance on the first (1st) day of each following month: October, November, December, January, and through February 14th. A 3% late penalty will be added February 15th through 29th. As of March 1st, taxes become delinquent (see below).
DEFERMENT OF SUMMER TAXES: The law provides that beginning the day following the due date, a 1% interest will be added. However, these taxes may be deferred without penalty or interest until February 15th, for the principal residence of any taxpayer who is a Senior Citizen 62 years or older; or Totally and Permanently Disabled; Paraplegic, Hemiplegic, or Quadriplegic; Eligible Service person, Eligible Veteran, Eligible Widow or Widower, Blind Person, or any Taxpayer otherwise eligible whose household income does not exceed $40,000 per year or Agricultural Real Property. Applications for Deferment are available at the Township Treasurer’s Office and must be returned to the office by September 14th.
WINTER TAXES – Allocated for the Calendar Year in which issued (i.e. December 1st): Payable to ACME TOWNSHIP, December 1st through February 14th without penalty or interest; a 3% late penalty will be added February 15th through February 29th. As of March 1st, taxes become delinquent (see below).
DELINQUENT SUMMER & WINTER TAXES: Property Taxes become delinquent MARCH 1st of the following calendar year in which the taxes were issued (Summer: July 1st, Winter: December 1st, Delinquent: March 1st). Delinquent taxes are turned over to Grand Traverse County for collection.
ESCROW ACCOUNTS: If a Tax Information Request was received from an escrow agent, this Tax Notice will have an ESCROW CODE number near the left, top corner of the payment coupon portion of the bill. Bold letters will indicate a copy has been sent to your mortgage provider. If this Tax Notice does not have a mortgage code, tax information was NOT sent to an escrow agent. Therefore, you may wish to enclose a copy of this Tax Notice with your next mortgage payment, if you have an escrow.
- Please check receipted amount and property description. Township is not responsible if taxes are paid on the wrong description.
- Failure to send or receive a tax notice shall not in any way prejudice the right to collect or enforce the payment of any tax.
- Checks are accepted only as conditional payment of taxes. If the bank does not honor a check, the tax is considered unpaid and will be restored to the tax roll without further notice. A service charge may be applied to checks returned from the bank, checks may be processed electronically.
- Taxes are calculated on the Taxable Value for the Calendar Year (January 1st – December 31st) in which they are issued.
- You have the right to appear at the July and/or December Boards of Review for principal residence and/or agricultural exemptions. Contact Township Assessor Dawn Kuhns at (231) 409-1827
- Electronic Banking. If paying your bill through your banking institution, be sure to enter your property number beginning with 2801-xxx-xxx-xx, and the pay to the order of ACME TOWNSHIP, address to 6042 Acme Road, Williamsburg, MI 49690.