Meijer Archives
Acme Township is currently processing Special Use Permit/Site Plan Approval Application #2009-01P
The Village at Grand Traverse - Phase I ("VGT - Phase I")
Perimeter Landscaping, Key Interior Roadways and a 232,000 sq. ft. Meijer Class A Store
The next session of the ongoing Public Hearing will be held at the Monday, January 30, 2012 Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting will be held at the Acme Township Hall starting at 6:00 p.m.
This page will serve as a public resource for access to application materials, meeting minutes and documents key to the VGT - Phase I application. New information will be added as it is developed. All of the materials linked to this site are also available for on-site review in hard copy, or purchase on CD ($7.50 charge per CD) at the township hall Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Basic Background Documents Needed to Understand the Application and Process:
Village at Grand Traverse Mixed Use Development Special Use Permit #2004-11P dated 09/21/04
Approved VGT Conceptual Plan - part of SUP #2004-11P
Acme Township Zoning Ordinance as of 2012
(the Conceptual Special Use Permit specifies that this particular version of the ordinance be used to evaluate SUPs applications for development phases rather than the version of the ordinance in effect at the time of phase application.)
Acme Township Master Plan
Court of Appeals Decision in CCAT v. Acme v. the Village at Grand Traverse LLC and Meijer Inc. issued 09/-20-07 and subsequent order issued by Circuit Court Judge Rodgers dated 02/29/09
"Road Map" for VGT-Phase I review prepared by township counsel. Please note that this document was originally prepared as confidential legal advice subject to attorney-client privilege. In the interests of transparency in the public process, and because there is an unusual level of complexity in how the various documents listed above affect our review process, the Planning Commission has chosen to make these guidelines available to the general public.
Due to the number and size of files related to this application, only the most recent set of application materials is available here. Access to the older, now-obsolete information, is available at the township hall.
The following file is a ZIP file that contains all the files that make up the application. This file is VERY LARGE - approximately 61 MB. You will need an unzipping file to access the individual files within the ZIP package. Due to the file size it will take a while to download. We invite you to stretch, get a fresh beverage and be patient!
Application Materials Updated as of January 23, 2012
Final Traffic Study Document
Project Management Team Review of Updated Materials January 26, 2012
What is the VGT-Phase I application?
The VGT Conceptual Plan approved as part of SUP #2004-11P is a drawing of all the development proposed for the entire 182-acre VGT property at the southwest corner of M-72 East and Lautner Road. This property extends westward to the Williamsburg Dinner Theater.
Phase I as proposed generally contains the perimeter landscaping for the entire 182-acre project, two key interior roads for the project, and a proposed 232,000 sq. ft. Class A Meijer store on approximately 21 acres of land closest to the M-72 East/US 31 Intersection. The plans do not call for a gas station/convenience store with the main store.
What is the status of and process for this application?
This application was originally presented to the township in November 2004. At a December 2004 Planning Commission meeting, the application was tabled pending the outcome of the litigation that had commenced that October over the approval of SUP #2004-11P. This resolution was only reached when Judge Rodgers issued his final order in the matter on February 26, 2009.
The applicant subsequently updated its application due to the passage of nearly five years' time and to add several items required by the SUP that were not previously submitted. Township staff found the initial application materials to be substantially complete, and asked the Planning Commission to remove the application from the table and direct them to begin processing it on September 28, 2009.
The Planning Commission is currently reviewing the application materials and staff findings, and will consider public comment offered at the ongoing public hearings. They will develop findings of fact and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees as to whether the application should be approved as presented, approved with conditions, or denied.WE ENCOURAGE AND WELCOME PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THE PROCESS! Please let us know how we can help you be involved to your preferred level.
Status Updates
The Village at Grand Traverse - Phase I ("VGT - Phase I")
Perimeter Landscaping, Key Interior Roadways and a 232,000 sq. ft. Meijer Class A Store
The next session of the ongoing Public Hearing will be held at the Monday, January 30, 2012 Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting will be held at the Acme Township Hall starting at 6:00 p.m.
This page will serve as a public resource for access to application materials, meeting minutes and documents key to the VGT - Phase I application. New information will be added as it is developed. All of the materials linked to this site are also available for on-site review in hard copy, or purchase on CD ($7.50 charge per CD) at the township hall Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Basic Background Documents Needed to Understand the Application and Process:
Village at Grand Traverse Mixed Use Development Special Use Permit #2004-11P dated 09/21/04
Approved VGT Conceptual Plan - part of SUP #2004-11P
Acme Township Zoning Ordinance as of 2012
(the Conceptual Special Use Permit specifies that this particular version of the ordinance be used to evaluate SUPs applications for development phases rather than the version of the ordinance in effect at the time of phase application.)
Acme Township Master Plan
Court of Appeals Decision in CCAT v. Acme v. the Village at Grand Traverse LLC and Meijer Inc. issued 09/-20-07 and subsequent order issued by Circuit Court Judge Rodgers dated 02/29/09
"Road Map" for VGT-Phase I review prepared by township counsel. Please note that this document was originally prepared as confidential legal advice subject to attorney-client privilege. In the interests of transparency in the public process, and because there is an unusual level of complexity in how the various documents listed above affect our review process, the Planning Commission has chosen to make these guidelines available to the general public.
Due to the number and size of files related to this application, only the most recent set of application materials is available here. Access to the older, now-obsolete information, is available at the township hall.
The following file is a ZIP file that contains all the files that make up the application. This file is VERY LARGE - approximately 61 MB. You will need an unzipping file to access the individual files within the ZIP package. Due to the file size it will take a while to download. We invite you to stretch, get a fresh beverage and be patient!
Application Materials Updated as of January 23, 2012
Final Traffic Study Document
Project Management Team Review of Updated Materials January 26, 2012
What is the VGT-Phase I application?
The VGT Conceptual Plan approved as part of SUP #2004-11P is a drawing of all the development proposed for the entire 182-acre VGT property at the southwest corner of M-72 East and Lautner Road. This property extends westward to the Williamsburg Dinner Theater.
Phase I as proposed generally contains the perimeter landscaping for the entire 182-acre project, two key interior roads for the project, and a proposed 232,000 sq. ft. Class A Meijer store on approximately 21 acres of land closest to the M-72 East/US 31 Intersection. The plans do not call for a gas station/convenience store with the main store.
What is the status of and process for this application?
This application was originally presented to the township in November 2004. At a December 2004 Planning Commission meeting, the application was tabled pending the outcome of the litigation that had commenced that October over the approval of SUP #2004-11P. This resolution was only reached when Judge Rodgers issued his final order in the matter on February 26, 2009.
The applicant subsequently updated its application due to the passage of nearly five years' time and to add several items required by the SUP that were not previously submitted. Township staff found the initial application materials to be substantially complete, and asked the Planning Commission to remove the application from the table and direct them to begin processing it on September 28, 2009.
The Planning Commission is currently reviewing the application materials and staff findings, and will consider public comment offered at the ongoing public hearings. They will develop findings of fact and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees as to whether the application should be approved as presented, approved with conditions, or denied.WE ENCOURAGE AND WELCOME PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THE PROCESS! Please let us know how we can help you be involved to your preferred level.
Status Updates